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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 79 February 28th (rest of the day)

            The rest of my day, as predicted, sucked…a lot…so the questions are did I make that happen or was it going to happen anyway?  I’m going with it was going to happen anyway, but you’re welcome to your opinions.  I went to the track again tonight and walked my 21 minute mile and my 21 additional minute “cool down” lap (shut up, Jim).  This time there were less hooligans loitering and more overweight women with children on bicycles (the children were on the bicycles, not the overweight women) riding in front of where I was supposed to be walking, but whatever.  I was so tired and sore after this walk I don’t know if I’m going to make it to the track tomorrow.  I could barely walk for the rest of the evening.   My back hurts and other places that I didn’t even know that I had muscles.
            Forget what I said about not going tomorrow, I have to go.  I have to go 21 days in a row or I will quit.  Why 21 days? Because some chick on Oprah one time said that 21 times is what it takes to make something a habit and my wife says it to me all of the time.  I don’t know if 21 days/times means anything at all.  It may just be some arbitrary number this lady pulled out of a unicorn’s butt just to sell a book and be on Oprah (hey, I’m not judging, if I had a unicorn’s butt I would be all over that).

Eric Anderson

P.S. If anyone out there has a spare unicorn let me know.

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